Tyrone kept following the Vents going in random directions. eventually he came across one that just lead all the way up. Tyrone attempted to climb up. grabbing any Vent he can to propel himself up. He was a master at this kind of stuff. He has been doing it since he was 6. he kept climbing up hoping that he'll find something. and then finally he made it to a ledge. he grabbed the top and groaned as he helped himself get up, Their was a vent leading to a room. not sure which room but it was a room. But the Vent looked easy to break, So Tyrone grabbed his hands on the vent. in his little claustrophobic space he shook the Vent constantly, hoping it would break Their was no doubt the dude on the intercom was in this room, and Tyrone was gonna find him! [@KatherinWinter]