CS: [hider=battle ready] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-3tdkt2Dl98c/VRmBlnUTNhI/AAAAAAAAAyk/SYeoc6145ow/w314-h497/firebender_zpsb7d220ab.png[/img] [/hider] Appearace: 5'11 and 185lbs, he has an average build with semi-muscular composure and broad shoulders. His black hair goes only halfway down his neck with groups of strands falling haphazardly over his face (from months of not grooming properly.) Usually wears simple cloaks and robes over neutral looking clothes, but he also has a modified military uniform that grants him protection without restricting his movements. Name: Lieutenant Chit Zai Age:22 Gender: Male Element: Fire Abilities: Chit Zai is a highly skilled prodigy of the fire nation military. He has mastered all basic and is adept in advanced fire bending techniques, including the use of lightning. This does not make him perfect however, he believes that to only be the foundation of his martial arts and hopes to combine experience in the world and his own creativity to develop into an much greater fire bender. He is also in experienced in fighting any of the other elements, which leaves him susceptible to the unexpected. Personality: Chit Zai is strong willed, intelligent, and determined to a fault. However he can be a bit of a jerk to those around him as he has a hard time focusing on anything other than his long term goals. Like many Fire nation nobles, he is incredibly honour-bound which leads him to behave in sometimes impractical ways. Brief Bio: Second Born to a noble Fire Nation Family, the Zan family, Chit Zai had been pushed to a military career from a very young age. Chit Zai had taken this on himself as his preordained destiny and had committed himself to being the greatest soldier he could become. He entered basic training at the age of 8, and moved on to officer training when he was 12. While still in training, the new avatar, had begun his training with some of the greatest teachers the nation had to offer. Chit Zai was astonished when he had been asked to participate in this training. It had occurred to him that he was often being praised for his technique and adaptability, but he certainly never expected such an honour. When the ice began to encroach on the fire nation's borders, and the water tribe began the first of its attacks, Chit Zai was transferred to a special ops team; he was sent out into enemy territory, often alone, to gather intelligence and prevent large scale attacks by any means possible. Extras:Chit Zai's flames usually have a greenish tinge to them, he has been told this is because of the courageous will that burns within him; he is not sure he believes that.