"I swear to god Kageta I will punch you in the face so hard that you'll end up in Berlin if you [i]ever[/i] decide to make a joke that bad again. I mean did you even put effort into that bro? I don't even think a ten year old could come up with something so mind bogglingly bad that it would make a crocodile roll it's eyes." Aaron said face palming. Just what they needed some lame jokes..."I'm sorry you know I'm just so bored man. Quite frankly I'm surprised were getting close to our destination. Of course the god damn train needed to break down." Disney continued as he stopped rolling his hands in the boxing tape and he gripped the chair. "Sorry sir no offense meant to you." he said to the bus driver in haste not wanting to make him angry. After all they could be forced to walk the next mile. "None taken kiddo I don't like this route either. Why make a town all the way out here is beyond me." the bus driver said kindly. "And if it means anything to you kid I thought that joke was funny." he said to Kageta.