[color=a0410d][h3]Zaerna Throt'oll[/h3][/color] [hr] Like an animal recently beat, attempting in vain to please its master in the wake of failure, the Gem cowered and offered obedience. Zaerna smiled warmly at her and inclined her head to show she was pleased, but said nothing. No more response was needed. Learning to commune with her master without words was one of many little things she would need to learn. She had deducted no punishment from the penance she had already earned, for good behavior was not optional behavior, though the female Drakken would remember the quick turn around. She suavely shouldered between the two, giving Kasari a stinging pat on the ass in response to her whining, and then rested one hand on each of her brides' hips. The challenges were settled, and now Zaerna, and her brides, had a clear view of the incipient conflict. An eager glint appeared in the Drakken's eyes and her fingers tightened against the two of them. It was slow to begin, and the female Drakken watched with bated as the two men of renown circled some distance away from the herd of Gems. Now knowing their choice to a duel of swordsmanship, she wished she hadn't moved her and her brides so far, but she could still see their actions in clear sight. Other happenings occurred on the side of the room, but she paid them little mind. Lady Throt'oll was prideful, to the point of being narcissistic, but she was far from stupid. A chance to watch two men of such caliber square off was a time to observe and learn, and there was no Gem more impressive than the awesome display between Wilhelm and the Prince. The two forces met, and it was an experience the female was sure to remember. The was a deftness, in the way Wilhelm held his body and sword, and brutality, from the Prince's unrelenting barrage, before unseen by her dark amber eyes; they darted quickly to drink in every move, and savored what she gathered from the sights. It imbued what she herself physically aspired. She could never match the strength of her male counterparts, no matter how much it infuriated her inside, and so had to compensate and use her smaller size to her advantage. She had to be quick and get inside someone's reach, and then strike once she had gotten too close to her opponent to hit. Her mace was short-hafted, considering she wielded it halfway down the handle. The display embodied what strived for, and from it, she would take any lesson she could. The duel ended in an anticlimactic draw, and Zaerna's lips formed a pout. She, too, wanted to duel Wilhelm, though in an entirely different manner. The female knew how to stop once her lesson was learned. As the two officially parted, her eyes lingered and watched Wilhelm retreat to his brides. Slumping down a bit, as she had risen to leaning forward on her toes, the female looked around to see what other business needed to be concluded. To her surprise, she missed the entrance of a few new Gems, and in particular one with striking white hair. The Prince approached the Gem, and Zaerna was a bit put off; she [i]had[/i] been too hasty in her decisions. Regardless, she watched the girl shakily approach the line of brides, and Zaerna made sure her and her girls were close enough to be considered. She stayed between her two, and when the white-haired girl got close, openly leered at her and inspected her body. She passed up both of Zaerna's brides, and the female Drakken could almost feel her fire Gem aching to be picked. After the pale Gem moved passed them, she cooed sympathetically and jostled Sophia's hip.