[center][h1]Three Arc Burst[/h1][/center] [h3]Separate Events[/h3] [@LokiLeo789], [@Kimiyosis], [@Kiso], [@chukklehed], [@RaijinSlayer], [@Kal-El], [@Hebigami Shiho] [b]Black Saint Arc[/b] [u]Participants[/u] Nagatenjouki Academy; Ms.Katelyn, The Twins, Kimiyosis character(Please post your CS on the tab). Hybrid Academy Students; Tatsuya Tsumiki, Zentaro Ray, Justeaze Jeager, Dylan Brooks. Others: Amakusa Church. Arc Antagonist: Advent Cult. [b]Objectives: [/b]Covert Operation. [b]NOTE:[/b] While all arcs are happening at the same time. It happens in a different time and day. So don't complain about it. [u]Plot[/u] Judgement and Anti-Skill are tasked to investigate at District 7 in Nagatenjouki Academy. Both respective Judgement leaders of Hybrid Academy and Nagatenjouki Academy meets up in the given place, the school along with the [url=http://toarumajutsunoindex.wikia.com/wiki/Heaven_Canceller]Heaven Canceller[/url] Zentaro Ray is the leader for this mission. [h3]Nagetenjouki Judgement Captain-Arvin Kendricks Hamilton[/h3] [img]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/150/f/2012/146/b/c/death_note_avatar__l_haz_idea_by_lartovio-d513nrv.jpg[/img] The third year and Captain of Judgement Nagatenjouki District. He is a level 4 Photokinesis Esper. He is one of the brightest as no puns intended with his power, brightest student in the school knowing to rival Kinoshita Toshiki. [hider=Blackout]Pros: Very 'bright' in personality; strong sense in justice - Powers at maximum at sunny or bright areas - can create visual illusions (optical illusions), flashbangs, - Useful as a human flashlight :P - Can control how light colours things - Invisibility possible once greater control is aquired Cons: Often too naive to anyone's liking - Powers cannot physically harm anything until one is much higher level. - Very weak in the dark - No such thing as traveling in light speed[/hider] "So this is Shiki's cubs. Make yourself at home and together we'll find the culprit but for the meantime we need to stay cool and hidden. We got rooms for you peeps." As bright as his personality is, he accommodated to his fellow students. "Oh! My bad, Arvin Kendricks Hamilton, Judgement Captain of this school. Oh and these are my friends, Ushio Kurenai, Hebigami Tatsuya and Hebigami Shiho. Then that's our teacher, Ms. Katelyn! Together we'll bring justice Kate-sama!" He makes an attempt to glomp his teacher but it fails all the time anyway. Before he could do so, he got whacked to the ground by his right hand man; a first year like him and the rest. [h3]Nagatenjouki Judgement-Ibara Seo[/h3] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/089/2/c/kunieda_aoi_avatar_2_by_xjapalicious-d3csm7y.jpg[/img] This young lady is Ibara Seo, a first year and a level 3 Esper, also the best in her class, 1-EX-1C. Her power is invisibility. [hider=White Out]Pros: Stealthy personalities are often associated with this ability - An ability best suited to stealth missions - Can make other things/people invisible in higher levels - Extremely effective in the dark Cons: Can take the pervertedness business to another level; often 'transparent' in society - Very draining physically and mentally to keep invisibility in every angle; requires higher level to keep doing so - Lower levels can only selectively keep invisibility up. (ex. if there are mirrors or security cameras one is not aware of, they will be visible to them) - Lower levels may only be able to be invisible by sight, not thermal imaging or sound - Obsolete to touch - Invisibility might not be perfect, so one may be able to see you if they look hard enough[/hider] [color=0072bc]"Tch... it's been a long time isn't it. Zentaro Ray, Where is Tsundere Sparky Boy, and who's the new guy?"[/color] Seo is always mean and impatient with everyone. She shares an odd friendship with Ray and had a history together. New person is he refers to Dylan Brooks. Then her eye twitched. [color=0072bc]"Liz-chan. Didn't see you there."[/color] She smiled, Seo seems to be in good terms with Justeaze. "And like I said, let's all investigate before the party, Captain! Kurenai, get your ass over here!" She cried out. -YOur move guys.