[b]Timothy Horn[/b] Timothy watched the final showdown with elevated interest. Surely these two would be invited to the competition as well. He needed to study.. After the match, Timothy and Keroma made their way toward the concession stands to find food and watch any closing ceremony and presentation of awards. The crowd pressed in and Kero found his way to the top of Timothy's head to avoid falling under foot. "Let's move out of this crowd so we can let Romo out," Timothy offered, who was short enough himself to be knocked around. But if either of them felt uncomfortable in large crowds, little Nyoromo liked them even less. Timothy had learned to leave him in-ball when attending such events. With a stick of meat in one hand and a fist full of PokeBlocks in the other, Timothy and company gathered at a small tide pool out and away from the larger crowd. Lunch was simple but delicious and greatly welcome as the sun tilted toward afternoon. Nyoromo slapped his tail on the water and both frog pokemon frolicked in the resulting mist. Timothy stretched back and imagined himself on the podium, accepting prizes and applause as he wins his first tournament...