[@Phobos][@Oblivion666] [Center][h3][b][color=f26522]Shinzo Harimaya[/color][/b][/h3][/center] As Shinzo was about to enter the room he was knocked down, yet again! and oh who would have guessed!? BY THE SAME BITCH FROM EARLIER! A vein in Shinzo's face popped up as he then pushed Aya off him and then stood up and began pointing at her "[color=f26522]THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!!! CAN'T YOU JUST WALK NORMALLY OR SOMETHING!? I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING CRASH MAT BITCH!!! AND I'M ONLY MEAN BECAUSE YOU KEEP LANDING ON ME!!![/color]" at this point Shinzo was nearly breathing fire! his hands were clenched and his breathing deep, he had completely forgotten that he was stood before a Captain but he just couldn't hold in his anger anymore! His uniform was completely trashed, this bitch landed on him for the second time and she was still acting like it was such a normal damn thing to happen! being caught up in all this Shinzo had actually forgotten to even give his name but he was just way to angry right now!