[@Oblivion666][@Kitsune] Sai chuckled at the tall Shinigami's judgement, shaking his hand until he released before allowing her hand to drop gently by her side. [color=a187be][b]"Hmhm, well I'm glad that I don't look harmful to you atleast. Not all Captains appear menacing but be warned, we are Captains for a reason. None of us were given this role, we earned it"[/b][/color] Sai held her smile before another voice slipped into the conversation. [color=a187be][i]'Another member already! I wonder if the other two Captains are having such luck!'[/i][/color] Internally Sai was bouncing with excitement, but externally she controlled herself since she wanted to get to know the two of them first before they found out what she was really like. [color=a187be][b]"Why hello Koyo-shi! It's nice to meet you, hello and welcome to Squad Thirteen"[/b][/color] As she did with Sataro, Sai held out her right hand to offer the girl a hand shake. [color=a187be][b]"My name is Sai Yoshimasuto, feel free to shorten my last name when referring to me, many people do hence why I'm often called Captain Yoshi"[/b][/color] Letting go of Koyo-shi's hand Sai positioned her body to face her two new recruits, but first before they could become official members a certain task needed to be completed. [color=a187be][b]"Now that we've all introduced ourselves, I'm going to need the two of you to fulfil a minor task in order for me to see what level the two of you are at, combat-wise. I'm sure you'll both do very well so there's no need to worry. The task is as follows; I'd like to watch the two of you spar against one another. I'll lead you to an open area and provide you each with a Bokken to fight with, however to insure that neither of you two use your Zanpakuto's, I'd like to keep a hold of them"[/b][/color] After informing the two, Sai only gave them a few seconds before taking off. [color=a187be][b]"Right let's start!"[/b][/color] Marching towards the stairs in an enthusiastic manner, Sai hummed happily to herself as she lead the two Shinigami, expecting them to follow her, to a clear, open space within one of the grassy areas of the barracks.