Aery didn’t even realize she’d been set on the ground until her knees buckled and she hit the floor; didn’t even realize she wasn’t breathing until the dark spots crowded out her vision. She drew a shuddering breath into aching lungs. [i]That’s it, Aery. You’re a dead girl. If he acts like that the rest of the time, you’re a dead girl walking.[/i] She shuddered even as she forced herself to her feet, entirely numb from the terror. [i]Gosh, when the adrenaline leaves your body, Aery, you’re just going to collapse. Even if he decides that you’re the first one he’s going to… gratify… with his erm… attentions. You won’t be able to do anything.[/i] She realized that she was sandwiched between Tears and Lugft. She also realized that Lugft was jokingly asking who wanted to sit by him. [i]Not me not me not me, Auram save me, I want to be five hundred leagues away from him right now.[/i] And yet she spoke up slightly. “M-my lord? I-I’ll s-s-sit n-next to y-you, i-i-if T-t-Tears o-or... F-Fireheart, here, d-don’t w-want to.” Her voice trembled. She hoped the fire girl wouldn’t roast her for the nickname, but she didn’t consciously remember hearing the girl ever say hers. Aery took another shuddering breath since her chest started aching. She was too scared to breathe… not a good thing. Definitely not a good thing. As always she started counting doubles in her head, breathing on every –eight. When she finally felt like she wouldn’t pass out she opened her eyes and forced a bland smile onto her face. She would survive this. She had to. [@My Lalia] [@NarcissisticPotato] [@AgentManatee]