Name: Austin Martin Age: 35 Occupation: Legal: General Repair man: owner of a small but somewhat successful shop in the suburbs. Was a former Marine marksmen, not a sniper, as he didn't have the eye for it, but a Marksmen, firing mid to short range in the thick of combat. Illegal: Fixer: Runs a highly lucrative Fixing operation out of one of the small warehouses he uses to store things for the shop. Runs guns, armor, explosives and ammunition out of the warehouse thanks to a great deal of old connections he has from his Marine days. Old friends "losing" a shipment of weapons or ammo and shunting it over to him. For that service they get a cut of his revenue from the Fixing. On and Off again Operator: Though he was discharged from the military honorably and given his walking ticket, he still retains the skills of his Marine past. Still able to handle a weapon, and is quite a decent shot still. Appearance: [img][/img] Standing a nice decent five foot ten inches tall. With a Thick set body, muscle under a layer of slight fat. A big bushy beard and thick mustache graces his cheeks and chin. Makes him look like a big ol' bear. He tends to wear very common clothing. Short sleeved t-shirts, with this or that logo for this or that company, show or movie. With a variety of khaki pants and shorts. A single nose piercing through his nostrils. He perpetually has a disarming smile on his face. With a slight twinkle in his eyes. Personality: Kind, warm, gentle, cuddly almost. He loves to laugh, loves to joke, always has a kind word on his lips. And speaks in a gentle way. He's continually donating money to charity, and helping the homeless. He's a paragon of his community and is so very well received among friends. This carries over atleast partially to his more illegal business. His customers are a very unique clique. Mostly mercenaries and people who don't want to go through proper channels. But even then Austin goes out of his way to be helpful and cheerful. Even going out of his way to get the really hard goods that his clients might need. History: Oh what do you say about the average guy? Austin did his time through his schooling like alot of people did. He did okay in his marks, and really didn't distinguish himself. Even when he joined the Marines he was average, didn't stand out in many ways. He was given the role of Marksman in his unit. He proved to be rather good at it. Not to distinct, he made an okay recon and spotter. And did his fair share in conflicts that his unit were sent too. He did score some kills while out there. Out beyond 400 meters usually. But never beyond 600. He left those for the snipers. When he left the military he came back to civilian land and drifted for abit. He had married during his time in the military, and had two kids. A boy and a girl. His wife and kids welcomed him home with open arms. When he went opened his shop his family was a little surprised but still happy. For about a year they were unknowing of his other business. Then his wife found out. And through her his kids. Amazingly enough they were not angry, or scared. In fact they thought it was fine that the father figure in the house had a second income. Strange people coming and going at their house sometimes. Odd shipments arriving at the store warehouse. A time or two Austin came home covered in blood. His wife instead of being scared would help him clean up. So what can you say about the average guy? It's always the quiet ones. Skills: - Small business acumen, runs his own business - Black Marketeer, has his eyes and ears on the underground market. Small time though so as not to make some people notice him. - Decent Shooter, Using marksmen rifles, assault rifles and pistols. He can hit a target in the chest at 400 meters almost everytime. Up to 600 and it's hit or miss. Gear: - HK417 Recon, the sixteen inch barrel accurized mid range rifle. Firing 7.62 rounds, usually with Armor piercing rounds. A C79 3.4x scope attached, Muzzle break and green tri-beam visible light laser sight. Carries eight clips. - Taurus "Raging" Judge revolver, 6 inch barrel, chambered in .45 colt. Simply put one hell of a side arm. Carries ten small speedloaders. - One handed beaked style war hammer. Forged cold steel with a reinforced steel handle. - Hornets Nest grenade, containing about 20 compressed hard rubber balls. Tends to carry five of these awesome little grenades. - Combat vest with combat webbing attached. Plenty room for ammo and kit. The vest has a little armoring just in case. - Ice climbing axes, and 50 meters of paracord for short quick decents off buildings. - His ride...the family minivan, or well the one that his wife hasn't tricked out for her use anyway. Other: - Vigil, yeah I saw it. Vigil...fucking Vigil! (spot the reference) - Won't take just any customer, they need to prove they aren't going to try to betray him. - His family is made up of his wife Kerri, his son Everet and his daughter Lacie. They also have a security trained doberman going by the name of Astro, who really a softie at heart, and just absolutely loves the kids.