Back in the early 2000's, the American government performed experiments in genetic engineering, using several children ages ranging from 1-10 which were obtained from all over the world as their test subjects. The result of these experiments was a success, finding a way to purposefully combine animals and humans together in order to create powerful hybrids, made for war. The government however, was discovered and the experiments were quickly shut down by the rest of the world, and the Hybrids were ordered to be destroyed instantly. Instead, the lead scientist refused to kill them and released them into the world in order for them to live in secrecy... Now the year is 2015, and most of the hybrids have found a way to live in the world peacefully, either hiding their animal characteristics from the public or staying away from civilization as a whole. However, now things are changing, and the lead scientist of the original experiments has been released with a new hope for redemption. He's now rounding up the mutants once again in hopes to redeem himself, offering them safety in a new facility which has been created in order to protect the hybrids and teach them about their abilities. There's only one problem however... This is not optional. The Government discovered the Hybrids were still alive, and ordered that they either be rounded up and contained, or to be exterminated. So now they must learn to live this new life, in a school meant to teach them while also keeping them prisoner... Roleplay: Your character will be a hybrid of an animal of your choosing. Take note that there can only be one of each animal, so if it's already taken I would ask that you find a different animal for your character. How much of an animal side your character has is up to you, meaning they could be anywhere from 90% human and 10% animal to 90% animal and 10% human. You'll basically be playing in a school type environment, however there isn't going to be a class schedule because no one likes to roleplay through classes. Instead the lay out of the building will be much like a school and your character will be free to do what they please, they simply cannot leave the campus. Occasionally I will add events to keep things interesting though, but for the most part the story will be about the hybrids learning to live with each other. [color=fff200]Rules:[/color] [color=fff200]-No Godmodding or controlling other peoples characters (obviously) -These students are part animals, so fights are bound to happen. However please don't attack another persons character without consulting them first -Whatever I say goes, however if you want to discuss something with me, I'm a fairly reasonable person! -No smut, if you want to do something like that please take it to PM's -Have fun! [/color] TAKEN ANIMALS: Axlotl Wolf Cobra (other species of snakes are available) Bear Sloth Hawk Tiger Shark Snow Leopard Komodo Dragon Character Sheet: (please post your CS in the OOC, and once I have approved it move it to the characters tab) Name: (Most hybrids will have a name they chose for themselves) Age: (Remember that they were all abducted from ages 1-10, and its been 15 years so the maximum age would be 25) Gender: Appearance: (You can use any picture you'd like to show them, or simply describe their appearance) Hybrid Animal: Abilities: (These are the abilities which being a hybrid gives them, and yes they may be more potent or enhanced then an actual animal might be. I.E. Instead of simply being able to simply hear like a dog, you could hear someones very heart beat) History: (How did they survive outside of the lab, how were they brought back in, ect.)