The allied goblin tried another attack, but apparently the boss goblin saw this attack coming, and he jumped over it, as if it was nothing. I then attacked him from behind, and managed to do just that, with the weird dissolving as soon as it hits, well, any sort of liquid, apparently. The boss goblin seemed not only critically wounded, but also very sick. What in the world did I do to him? Was it the grass? Either way, some of the skin near the area where I stabbed him seemed to be greying, until it was completely grey, and then it started to fall off, as if it was dead skin. "He's, no, he's rotting away! What the heck WAS that grass!?" I end up shouting in surprise. This weird grass... I've never seen anything like it, and for it to do something like this, there had to be some pretty dark magic at work, but from where? Necromancers usually worked their horrid (and bad smelling) magic on animals, the smallest being rats, never plants. What necromancer would be desperate enough to use his powers on patches of grass, yet powerful enough to afflict it with such a debilitating disease? No matter which way I looked at it, there didn't seem to be any answers as to how this came into existence, even if it was helping us, I was certainly more wary of the grass I almost stepped in a couple times by now during the fight. What's worse is that the patch seemed to grow in size during our fight, somehow.