[@AbigailTenshi] [@Oblivion666] Shi shook Captain Yoshi's hand with a big smile on her face, glad that she was being so eagerly welcomed into the squad like that. [i][color=fdc68a][b]"It is nice to meet you as well captain!"[/b][/color][/i] After letting go of the captains hand Shi adjusted her scarf and listened to what she had planed for them, and as expected it would not be as easy as Shi was hoping to join squad 13. [i][color=fdc68a][b]"Umm..."[/b][/color][/i] She could not help but mutter in a soft toned voice, her head turning and then trailing up the much larger man beside her. However with the captain already on her way Shi had no choice but to start following, if this was really going to happen then she had to know if she would have any kind of advantage in the fight. [i][color=fdc68a][b]"Captain Yoshi, I was wondering. Are we going to be able to use Kido? Or is it swords only?" [/b][/color][/i]She looked towards Sataro, really unsure if she could take him in a straight up fight, well if one was going by looks alone.