Just like that, the stone creature disappeared, reappearing right next to the Knight. As expected, it soon was turned into rubble by the Knight's halberd. It's dying shriek was unlike anything Maldron experienced before, before the stone thing shattered like glass. The knight commanded him to not attack the man. He was a little disappointed, but at the very least he had someone to take orders from, more or less. Just like old times. The man was quite shocked to find out someone was behind him the whole time, but all of that was interrupted by the knight as the man slid down the cliff. They knew each other, or rather, the warrior in black knew the guy. Previous acquaintances maybe? Lord and soldier relationship in life? Either way, they've got some fresh blood in their group. They were being watched. By complete accident, Maldron noticed something watching him. Or at least he though he did. Between a rocky outcrop and a plant conveniently in the way, it almost looked like someone was there. No way to flank him. But if man is hiding, it means that he is of little threat, as proper sleep rotations are set up. Sliding down the cliff, Maldron paid little mind to the Knight and the newbie, except positioning himself so the knight is between him and the suspected hiding place, concealing Maldron. Leaning close to the knight and the man, whispering quietly: [color=ff0000][b]"There is someone hiding over there"[/b][/color] the assassin pointed in the suspected direction discretely. [color=ff0000][b]"I suggest pretending that we did not notice him. Should he continue to follow us, we can set up a trap."[/b][/color] Though Maldron knew that the knight most likely will directly confront their stalker. But he had some hope that the warrior in black will make a smart decision for once. The woman, every time Maldron was near her, had that glare in her eyes. That faint glare of caution. The eyes, the subtle movements of the face betray a lot, and while the assassin did not remember anything about learning that, he just knew. He just knew it was the look of someone weighting their options against him. Was it a skill he knew to avoid walking into a trap, into a place he was expected? How did he develop it? And why should he care if some random woman did not trust him? Whatever they liked it or not, they were a team. And nothing destroys a team more than distrust. Their chances of survival increase exponentially the more they work as a team. It was time to have a talk with her. Maldron approached the woman, sitting down on a nearby rock. [color=ff0000][b]"I can see that at the very least, you don't trust me. Is it because I've killed people?"[/b][/color] He remained silent for a few moments. [color=ff0000][b]"From what remains of my memories, I can tell that I was a street urchin. I stole, I pick-pocketed people, just to survive. And then I've stole from men I could not run away from. But those men did no harm to me. They gave me a chance to be... a part of something..."[/b][/color] He looked straight into the woman's eyes. [color=ff0000][b]"The training I received was brutal, I think. Even if I don't remember it well, hints of anxiety, of fear still emerge when I think about it. Ever since those people took me in, I was trained to be "a weapon of unparalleled lethality", as they called me. I was not taught empathy, I was not taught mercy, for these only harm someone in my line of work."[/b][/color] Maldron then shifted his gaze towards the ground. [color=ff0000][b]"It is only in this place that I've started experiencing emotions. After having those driven out of me, they feel so alien. But, at the very least, when the need arises, my mind can be clear of any distractions, just like now."[/b][/color] Maldron couldn't read the woman anymore, or more likely, he wasn't trying to. [color=ff0000][b]"I never even realized that simply talking can be so... liberating. Regardless, back there, with those people, which I've forgotten completely, I felt at home. I felt at peace. I met someone, an unique woman among them. Unlike any other human. Probably not even human. I adore her so, but I can't remember why. I can't even remember who she is. All I know that everything I did, everything WE did was for her."[/b][/color] He sighed. [color=ff0000][b]"We can accomplish much more than our own. But for that, there has to be some level of trust, or we will just fall apart. And a weapon is useless without a hand to guide it. "[/b][/color]