[img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/274/d/1/lamia_uguu____by_crimsonkanji-d4bj7p0.jpg[/img] [color=007236][b]Name:[/b][/color] [color=7ea7d8]Melisandre[/color] [color=007236][b]Age:[/b][/color] [color=8493ca]19[/color] [color=007236][b]Gender:[/b] [/color][color=8493ca]Female; Heterosexual[/color] [color=00a651][b]Hybrid Animal:[/b] [/color][color=8493ca]Snake - Ophiophagus hannah (King Cobra)[/color] [color=00a651][u][b]Abilities: [/b][/u][/color] [color=8493ca]Venomous beyond all other snakes and most animals, superior strength, speed and agility. Can secrete venom from her pours as well as her fangs.[/color] [color=007236][b]History:[/b][/color] [color=8493ca]The girl was four when she was taken from her parents and doesn't remember much from her time with them. She went to sleep one day and woke up with scales on her hands; it was a painful transformation, the snake DNA changing her body in a way that it shouldn't have. They kept her asleep for most of it, so she wouldn't scream and alert the other children or die of pain. Her first real memory is from when they told her she was turning ten; nine years ago. She wasn't at the facility though and when she found out where she was she was underground in a train to the desert where she would be living most of her life from then on. They'd come to get her again and she didn't want that; they chained her up, covered her mouth so she couldn't spit poison at them; they ripped out her fangs and the regrowth was painful. [/color]