Carver patted the gnome on the back as he devoured the meal. He saw that the woman had gone to sit with the half-elf; a troubling alliance, possibly, but not one that seemed to pose an immediate danger. The strong-looking man has asked him a question, he realized. The offer was a tempting one - he was already traveling, and friends were good to have, especially when one was as poor as he was. "I'd be glad to travel with you, friend." He extended an armored hand. "My name is Sir Carver. A pleasure to make your aquaintance." Although... He coughed slightly. "However, I feel honor-bound to see to the well-being of my new friends," he said, gesturing to the gnome and to the corner, where the strange girl sat. "Perhaps you could propose them the same question, and we may all go off together? I'm not sure I could leave either in the same state I found them."