[h2]Kithra[/h2] It was hard to keep the shivers from being visible, but she was trying her hardest to seem like she wasn't going to crumble under the weight of the Drakkens eyes. She was doing okay, but she felt slightly overwhelmed with the sudden realization that the two men would fight over her. She looked at Anna when she began to speak again, but she was cut off. Kithra went to move to the princess's side and try to help her, but she realized as she took a step forward that it was Wilhelm that was stealing the air from the princess's lungs. She reached out slightly before bring her hand to her mouth, she so badly wanted to help but there was nothing she could do. All she could do was watch, she wanted to scream but she would get his unwanted attention. [i][color=f49ac2]Great Mother, give her strength.[/color][/i] She prayed silently as she watched. Once Wilhelm gave the air back and the princess was able to breath, he turned his gaze to her. She quickly dropped her hand from her mouth and nodded slightly, she knew that he was telling her with that gaze that she would suffer the same fate if she went out of line, maybe even more so. She was after all just a servant, most likely something that he could to discard if he so chose to. So being a servant maybe worse than being a wife, as a wife could have children, and he would most likely want to have children with her. Her attention was suddenly pulled away from her thinking when she felt the hungered gaze of the Prince on her body. She swallowed hard and lifted her chin slightly as she tried not to show her fear or disgust. But before she could back away the Prince threw his cape at her, it was a huge thing that smelled a little funny. She stood there for a moment with the large cape covering her completely. She felt both scared and angry, scared because these were Drakkens, monsters that threw their weight around without the slightest care who it hurts. And Angry because she didn't wish to be someones after thought, someone's play thing that they could break and throw away. She was a person, someone blessed with the power of the earth. If she was powerful enough she could bring this every mountain down, and at that moment she really wished she could. Pulling the large cape off, she went over and stood near Anna. She didn't say a word to the princess, but words were not needed, not when the dual began. One would think that the older Drakken would of over powered the the Prince, but no, they seemed to be an even match. Kithra could see similarities in each of the Drakkens by the way they circled each other searching for a weakness, and with the way they lunged. But there was instability in the Prince, he was coming undone, if it was being in constant war before coming here or if he simply forgot his lessons it was hard to tell. From what Kithra could see Wilhelm seemed to see this as well. And just as fast as it started it ended when both of the Drakkens blades breaking, [i][color=f49ac2]If they can break the metal of a finely crafted sword... I don't want to think what they can do to a Gem![/color][/i] She thought feeling a little sick, as she knew that they could break any of her sisters here with a mere flick of the wrist. [color=9e0b0f]"Kithra, Annayeva. To me, if you please."[/color] [i][color=f49ac2]If you please? Like I have a choice![/color][/i] She thought bitterly as she and Anna went over to Wilhelm after giving back the cape to the Prince. She was kind of glad that she wasn't going to go with the Prince, as she could see in his eyes that he hungered, but he no longer hungered for a fight, no he lusted now. Kithra bit her lip feeling sorry for the rest of the girls that were left as he wouldn't be very nice to them. [color=9e0b0f]"If you've any questions of me, I will give you leave to speak them. And them alone."[/color] Kithra looked at the princess and could see that she was feeling defiant and slightly humiliated about what happened earlier, so she wasn't going to say anything. Taking a deep breath Kithra looked at Wilhelm while biting the inside of her lip, "[color=ec008c]What is your intentions with me, my Lord? Am I simply to be Anna's servant?[/color]" She asked wanting to be clear what she was in all of this. She looked at Anna and smiled ever so slightly before returning her gaze to Wilhelm. [@Feisty-Pants] [@Saltwater Thief] [hr] [h2]Tirza[/h2] Tirza lifted an eye brow at her new husband when he introduced himself, he was full of himself but then what Drakken wasn't? She could see how he eyed his first two picks, he definitely hungered for them. Not that she was surprised, she was just the spoils of killing another of his kind. She folded her arms across her chest and held a look of boredom on her face, she was not impressed. In fact the death of her other claimer no longer bugged her. Sure there was a little fear in her but fear kept people alive, only an idiot had no fear. She knew how to survive and she knew how to fear others, but that never stopped her from taking some risks. Her attention was suddenly taken away from Lugft when the so called Prince and the Black dude started to dual. But it quickly lost her interest, they were not fighting for her and she could already tell that it would end in no death. She could see that the two duelist's had too much respect for each other to actually kill each other. And like she predicted they ended in a draw, she brought her hand to her mouth and yawned to show her boredom. [i][color=bc8dbf]This is boring, dangerous but boring.[/color][/i] She thought before her attention was brought back to Lugft. He had picked up Aery and kissed her, she out of all three of them was the most scared of the Drakkens. He was doing that on purpose, that much she could tell. She reached out and gently touched the girls arm once she was let down, she looked at her worriedly and willed the air to flow to her and give her much need breath and strength. Tirza nearly snarled at Lugft when he laughed about them choosing who could sit next to him, but she held back as she gently helped Aery to her feet. But she could tell that the girl barely noticed her there. [b]"M-my lord? I-I’ll s-s-sit n-next to y-you, i-i-if T-t-Tears o-or... F-Fireheart, here, d-don’t w-want to."[/b] [i][color=bc8dbf]BY ALL THE GODDESS'S AND GOD, SHE WILL NOT SIT NEXT TO HIM![/color][/i] She thought as her eyes went a little wide at the girls small show of bravery. She shook her head and practically latched herself to Lugft's arm as she smiled flirtatiously up at him. "[color=92278f]You don't want them sitting beside you my Lord, you want someone who is a bit more exciting and willing to please you in any way that you wish.[/color]" She said in a soothing and airy voice as she gently stroked his arm. She knew Drakken's loved to be pleased, and she just made an offer that would be hard to refuse. She was more than willing to take what ever he could dish out if it meant he would stay away from her sister brides. [@RomanAria] [@NarcissisticPotato] [@agentmanatee]