Each race, mythological creatures generally, tends to have an area it's got a natural talents for, though some, like humans, have personal talents instead of racial talents. Almost all races have some form of magical ability, though some have bizarre magical abilities which are hard to duplicate through other means (ex: soul eater's ability to hold extra souls in their bodies.) Magic can be spells (slow to use, but often more powerful), powers (natural abilities which grow as you use them, like skills), or enchantments (Magic effects placed on an item that activate anytime certain conditions are met, or are constantly in effect. They need a source of energy to work, though it's usually the user.) No one's sure where magic comes from, but best guess is that spells draw on the powers of other beings (sorcery) or the magical energy present in nature (Shamanism). Every type of magic require energy, though, which usually comes from the user/caster, though some can use other sources, either through training or as a power. Soul eaters, for example, can drain souls inside of them for energy. Does that answer your question?