[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZD2sYW7.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Mason Hunter [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Power:[/b] [i]Radioactive Spider-bite[/i] - This power has given Mason a wide variety of powers, all mainly focused on an arachnid-like topic. The 'default' powers are the enhanced version of his body - his strength, speed, agility, coordination, and general reflexes have been incredibly enhanced, allowing him to do superhuman feats such as jumping numerous stories, running faster than a speeding car, throwing or lifting things that are huge and heavy in weight, using his sharp, superhuman instincts to dodge speeding bullets and attacks, and performing acrobatic, bone-breaking twists, stunts, and feats that even the most talented Olympic athlete wouldn't dream of. Similarly, he can launch thick, stream-lined, durable webbing from his wrists and finger-tips, stick to surfaces, and grow his canine teeth to a long, razor-sharp point. When this happens, a thick, green poison can be transferred to another body, causing a variety of effects, depending on the amount/intent. [b]Appearance:[/b] Mason is a lean, athletic young man, the spider-bite having given him lean, muscular definition all along his body - not that he was frail or fat before. He is of average or so height, around 5'9 or 5'10, and his hair is a deep raven black, generally framing his fore-head, and naturally kept medium-to-short length. His face is a fair color, with deep-set hazel-golden eyes. His usual attire consists of regular jeans and sneakers, along with regular t-shirts that can vary in color; he also keeps a hoodie on him, since the weather's unpredictable. [b]Bio:[/b] His life building up to this was rather...average, to be honest. A track and baseball player, Mason was the sort of guy that sort of social-butterflied around. He was generally laidback and easy-going, with a sort of just cool, confident aura around him. He could joke around at times, and although the jokes could easily be insinuated as insulting to someone, they weren't particularly biting, and usually got a loud round of laughter. His easygoing demeanor drew people in, but he never really had a real...friend amongst the droll of students at his local high-school. He was that type of guy to just hang out wherever he wanted to hang out, and be rebellious when he wanted to be; a natural intellect, he usually just spent his time on the roof of the school, looking up at the sky, reading a book, or throwing marbles towards the clouds. Whenever he saw someone getting bullied, he stepped in, and usually broke it up without too much violence; most people didn't try to fight him. Not because he was all buff or gigantic, but because, despite his cool, confident aura...there was something else. Like, if you didn't stop bullying that person, you would get your ass kicked. Got their ass kicked they did; it was a small gang of bullies that had been picking on a nerd. They didn't stop after Mason asked, and once they turned their sights on him, he roughed them up. Didn't go over-board, but just kicked them around, due to their sloppy hits and over-weight statures, all the while with a small smirk or frown on his face, throwing a few insults their way whenever they did a particularly clumsy swing. The whole spider-bite happened a few days ago, and he has adjusted so far. Basically, he had been walking home from a passing job as a waiter, at some coffee shop called 'Folger's', when this tarantula-like spider leaped from a building and landed on his face. Obviously, he cursed and tried to slap it off, but it's fangs were already out, and the back of his hand slid right in. Now bleeding and holding a rapidly swelling hand, he finally managed to slap the spider away, right before running home to get the first-aid. His mother was panicked when Mason entered the house with a bang, and asked what's wrong. He showed her his hand; revealing that it was completely healed, and nothing was blemished. As she giggled, he went to sleep, awakening at 3 AM and going to the bathroom...only to see his changes. It was nothing much; just some more definition to his already lean, athletic stature...but when he tried to close the door, his hand was stuck. That was a crazy night. Since then, he has adjusted relatively quick, already a naturally adaptive person. He has to make sure to keep the whole 'superhuman body' thing in check; don't hurt anyone, since one hit could very well kill a regular human, and he had to make sure to not over-do it at track...he was still Number One, though. The whole excitement of it made him eager, however. Life was usually boring and average, with boring and average parents, and boring and average schools. This could make him finally...find a reason to generally do something dangerous and fun! That's what he was missing. Excitement...and it makes him so, well, excited. What could he do? There was a lot of crime on the streets, and different things that he could do with it. Maybe even...thieving? No? Well...maybe. It all depended. Giving such powers to a sarcastic, adrenaline-loving, laidback social-butterfly of a teenager...what was the Deities thinking?