[quote=@Dead Girl] i support a planned society and the poor, uneducated, bad DNA are killed [/quote] [img]http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/014/745/139035361828.png[/img] Like, really, let me break it down for you. Poor - Nobody chooses to be poor, nobody wants to live on nothing. So saying they should be killed? That's really fuckin stupid, bruhh. Uneducated - This shows that somewhere down the line, the School System has failed for those in some aspect. I get it, you get people that are the epitome of "Village idiots" of course you do. Really, maybe, kinda, the government should at least to make the system better? Maybe. Nope! let's just kill them like cattle! Bad DNA - Seriously? kill people on genetic randomness? Wow, your edginess can cut filthy gaijins down like butter with your groriousu nippon steelu. It's better to keep one's mouth shut and thought of a fool than to open it and prove that you are a fool. :p