[@Oblivion666][@Kurisa] Yakima raised an eyebrow as another female shinigami came barging in on top of the male shinigami who was knocking on the door before. A shiver went down his spine as the female shinigami spoke loudly. For some reason, he had a feeling things wouldn't be as peaceful anymore. Before he could say anything, the male shinigami gotnup and began to scream at Aya. Yakima watched in silence for the beginning half, not wanting to interfere. However, one thung annoyed him. The fact that the male called Aya a bitch. He stood up and shunpoed between the two, placing a firm grip on Shinzo's shoulder [color=gray]"I don't care what has gone on between the two of you but theres no reason to call a woman a bitch. Now I'm guessing you two want to join my squad. Thats good, but we treat everyone with respect here. If you two are gonns join my swuad, youre gonna have ti get along got it? Now if you want to join, follow me"[/color] He walked out the door, whether they decided to join or not. He could see the potential in them but it was up to them whether they wished to join or not.