[@AbigailTenshi] [@Oblivion666] Shi resisted pumping her fist when she was told that she would be allowed to use Kido, though she was unsure about how fair it would be given what the other shinigami had said. She would have to make sure to make sure to use just the right amount and not just blast him from a distance, after all she wanted to look good for Captain Yoshi! It was at this point that sai had vanished and within a moment returned with the wooden swords and Shi was taken aback to say the least, she had never seen anyone move that fast! [color=fdc68a][i][b]"Understood Captain Yoshi"[/b][/i][/color] Reaching out with one hand to take the wooden sword she handed off her Zanpakuto to the captain before looking around to find a good place to stand and face her opponent. "[i][color=fdc68a][b]I am sure we wont disappoint."[/b][/color][/i] She commented as she moved to her place, lowering the blade to her side she held it with both hands and seemingly leaving her defenseless.[i][color=fdc68a][b] "By the way" [/b][/color][/i]She gestured with a nod towards the other shinigami she was facing. [color=fdc68a][i][b]"My name is Koyoshi."[/b][/i][/color]