[img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/172/2/4/i_see_you_by_dypsomaniart-d54atfs.jpg[/img] Name: Shadow Age: 23 Gender: Male Hybrid Animal: Wolf-90% Abilities: Not only is his hearing immaculate, he can also smell very well. His strength is quite good. His speed however isn't that great, it is one thing that he lacks. Aside from the powerful jaws are something to watch out for, as well as his paws. History: Shadow was an orphan on the run. Why the scientists chose him, he would never figure out. He was a boy that was caked in mud and smelled like someone had been crawling in the sewers for the longest time. Shadow's fate was changed when a linen mask went over his head and he was dragged into a van. No one witnessed the kidnapping, for the streets had been quiet and it had been in the middle of night. The process was absolutely excruciating. The anesthesia that they gave him didn't work, especially for the amount they had given the 8 year old. The original goal was to turn Shadow into a complete wolf. Instead, when they were close to completing their experiment on Shadow, he broke from his restraints and killed one of the scientists that were close by. Luckily, security was armed with a tranquilizer and fired a few darts to make sure he went unconscious. They stuck him aside to deal with him last, but they never got to him. Shadow escaped to the woodlands, where he survived off of the land for a while. Years later, the scientists were back and they were prepared... With a few more tranquilizers...