[center][h3]Kelvin[/h3][/center] [b]"Petroleum, iron filings, sulfur, fresh paper...and something else... You smell interesting."[/b] Kelvin’s eyes widened slightly, and a small grin stretched across his lips. Interesting. [color=DodgerBlue][b]“I [i]like[/i] this one.”[/b][/color] Kelvin slowly uprighted the stool and slid back onto it, settling to examine this being. He barely acknowledged when the cloaked woman moved away, excusing herself to ask around. It was possible she would have more luck, if for the wrong reasons. Yet... Separ had introduced them both, yet she had still avoided giving a name. He stroked his beard, considering. Strange. He turned his attention back to the gnome as food was brought, and watched the being down it in fascination. [color=DodgerBlue][b]“Forty three seconds.”[/b][/color] Kelvin whispered to himself softly as the gnome slammed the bowl down. Behind him, Separ had already requesitioned the knight into their group. Curver, cover, something like that. He hadn’t been paying to much attention to the last part. However, as far as the gnome went... [color=DodgerBlue][b]“I don’t mind spending time with this one.”[/b][/color] Kelvin turned on the stool and jerked a thumb towards the gnome. [color=DodgerBlue][b]“Separ’s in charge as far as I am concerned though.”[/b][/color] A thought occured, and Kelvin eagerly swung down his backpack, pulling out a long, stiff tube about as long as his forearm. The fuse was curled up and tied with a bit of string to make it compact. He held it out in front of the gnome, careful to keep it out of reach. [color=DodgerBlue][b]“What do you make of this then?”[/b][/color]