[centre] [h3][color=c4df9b]~Ramses Reinholdt~[/color][/h3] [color=aqua]"Yo."[/color] Ramses snapped out of his thoughts and looked over to the voice he had just heard. Uhh… Well. Shit. Had he met this guy before? Ramses couldn’t really place a name to the face. The glasses looked familiar. Alright, yeah, no. Ramses had no idea who the kid was. He hadn’t recalled seeing him around the base in the last few hours...so… Was this guy apart of the main team? He had to be. Probably. [color=aqua]"Ah, whiskey. Good stuff, although it burns going down. How about a drink? Want to try some of this?"[/color] Want some of...some of what? There was nothing there. If the guy was propositioning him, well, A-for-effort, but Ramses didn’t swing th- Wait...the hell? Out of practically nowhere, a bottle appear. A whiskey bottle. And not just any whiskey...that seal? That bottle? This was some classy shit. Ramses laughed aloud. If this guy could just conjure up nice whiskey at a whim, they’d get along. Theirs would be a friendship built solely atop a mountain of empty bottles and cirrhosis. [color=c4df9b]“Ahaha, now this guy knows how to celebrate in style. Ya'll other fools could learn a thing or two. Well, I ain’t about to let it be said that Ramses Reinholdt ever turned down a drink. Now lemme get a swig of that before you change your mind.”[/color] Ramses ended with a chuckle. He was only half-joking. [/centre]