Suki smiled lightly as she heard the rather expected response. As a matter of fact, she was expecting a number larger than three. Of course, this half-elf seemed rather anti-social, if this was how he normally talked, questioning what one wanted from him. Deciding to actually do as she had said, and ask for companions, she answered "It isn't anything really to difficualt. Just join up with 'him'-' here, she stopped talking to casually point towards the one she knew as Separ. "- on his idea of an adventure." Noticing the rather blunt action of sliding the bottle of alcohol towards her, she looked at it with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, before daintily reaching out and grabbing in. Taking a whiff, and enjoying the aroma of the drink, she had just poured a little bit of it in her mouth when the half-elf ask her to take off the hood. Nearly choking on the drink in surprise, she coughed several times, before finally settling down. "You have your reason to stay covered up, I have mine." Although rather roundabout, her answer was a definite negative in regards to his question.