Name: Bait. His original name has long been forgotten. Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: (Will add picture later) [indent]Bait is a six foot two tiger shark on legs. His physique is that of a regular athlete; lean, toned muscle, not much body fat, streamlined body. But where a normal person would expect skin, instead he has rough scales. They cover his entire body in a slightly thick layer, making his flesh more rubbery to the touch than anything else. He also sports other shark-like features; a dorsal fin, a tail replete with the other smaller fins, a wedge-shaped snout and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. That's where the similarities to a shark end, as he also sports a head of scruffy brown hair and light brown eyes. Normally he dresses in a baseball cap with a pair of goggles strapped to it, a neckerchief on top of a tanktop, cargo jeans, arm warmers and sneakers.[/indent] Hybrid Animal: Tiger shark - 75% Abilities: [list] [*]Hunting Senses - The human's keen sense of smell, coupled with the shark's ability to detect electromagnetic waves in the air and their ability to taste even the most minute amount of blood, be it hanging in the air or water, makes him a very potent hunter and tracker, being able to follow someone or something simply by the way they taste in the air. [*]Water Breathing - Sharks are fish. Normally they wouldn't be able to breathe in air, but Bait is an exception. His human lungs have been genetically modified and adapted to filter oxygen out of water he breathes in, just like a fish would. [*]Thick Skin - Shark skin is quick thick and rough due to their scales, and this translates to a thicker layer of skin on Bait, which is not only tough but also stab-proof. [*]Shark Bite - Sharks have sharp teeth that easily puncture flesh. He has sharp teeth that easily puncture metal and ballistic armour and a grip like a vise. [*]Fluid Movement - The tiger shark's natural agility in water is translated to enhanced reflexes and agility for Bait. Not only is he an expert and very fast swimmer, he is also able to free-run more fluidly and quickly.[/list] History: Being part shark is no joke, and after he'd been abducted as a child on the streets of Miami, or rather, from the pool of a particularly deluxe condominium, he'd been consorted to the fish bin from day one. The scientists experimented with making the perfect aquatic warrior; able to breathe in both air and water, absolutely fluid in movement and fitted with a mind adaptable to any scenario presented to him, and for the most part they succeeded. Bait was one of the best hunters they'd ever produced, and yet when the inevitable breakout occurred, little prepared them for his wrath. His broken aquarium's water supply flooded the testing chambers and hallways, turning the scientists into shark bait, little more than fodder for his escape. Eventually he'd escaped to open water and to relative safety, though he knew that he was now the prey in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. He had to hide, and hide he did. In the city nearby, he scavenged for scraps to live on, escaping to the rooftops by night to sleep. His natural abilities of movement and fluidity helped him immensely when being chased by cops or other vagrants, and when that didn't help him, his teeth did. More than one hospital admission was due to a severe case of shark bite, even though the patients had sustained it in strange places like alleyways, the street or, once, in a mall. Of course, all this havoc wasn't to go unnoticed, and eventually he was tranquilised and recaptured by the replacement scientists. They brought him back to the facility wherein they replaced the aquarium's regular glass with laminated glass. The same mistake wouldn't happen again.