[@LokiLeo789] Clad in Shinigami attire, a woman with brown locks tied up into a neat bun strolled through the Squad Thirteen barracks towards her Captain's office, planning to walk passed it in order to get to her room. Little did she know she'd find an unrecognisable Shinigami stood outside the Captain's quarters. Tilting her head slightly, she tried to place the male's face to a name, however she had never seen him around before so she assumed that he must be new. "U-um hello?" The female spoke up in a slightly shy tone, trying to catch the guy's attention. "If you're looking for the Captain, I can take you to her if you want? She's at the other side of the barracks in a grassy area, I just saw her a couple of minutes ago." The young woman offered as she waited for his reply. If he requested for her to take him to the Captain, the woman would walk passed him and lead him to his destination. She wasn't much of a talkative person in general so the journey would most likely be silent.