The girl followed the other in, a cloth tied around her mouth due to earlier volatile reactions to where a guard had touched her - though it was only a simple touch on the shoulder to guide her in the proper direction. Her hands were held behind her back with plastic ties so she wouldn't be able to properly lash out at anyone until they made it into room with the others. White hair tumbled over her shoulders and back, soft and curled while the crisp colour seemed to glow in the light of the room, completely devoid of pigmentation. Her eyes, red as blood followed the others movements until the guard untied the cloth from her mouth and cut the ties on her wrists. [color=9e0039]"Much better."[/color] She purred, stepping away from the warning touch of his hand on the tazer at his side. [color=9e0039]"No need for that. If they're freaks too then I don't need to kill them."[/color] Death mused quietly walking away from the guards toward the food bar, at which she grabbed a slice of chocolate-turtle pie and a fork to eat it with.