[quote=@SirBeowulf] [hider=Wes Shanks] [h3]Name:[/h3] Wes Shanks [h3]Age:[/h3] Somewhere around twenty-five to twenty-eight. He lost count a long time ago. [h3]Gender:[/h3] XY Chromosomes. [h3]Birthplace:[/h3] A run down brothel somewhere in Spain. [h3]Religious Affiliation:[/h3] Wes doesn't really give much care to the Gods, and they don't give much care to him. The most Wes'll ever do is lay out a few coins for a safe voyage or pray a bit if he ever feels like it. He could care less for the people in charge of the institutions. He's never met a priest who wasn't looking to take money from the people in tribute to their god. Hell, some are even worse than kings and queens. At least a King'll yell at you for something practical like stealing or murder, while a Priest'll scream his head off at you for being a heathen. [h3]Secular Affiliation:[/h3] Wes doesn't really care much for the state, and they don't give much care for him. As long as he pays his taxes and doesn't start [b]too[/b] bad a drunken brawl, the two can coexist together. Nobles piss him off a bit, but at least those are a rare sight when you never leave the slums in the first place. Wes will admit that he has on several occasions been invited to the bed of a young noblewoman, and promptly been chased out by people with swords. Wes may or may not be lying about his past escapades. [h3]Level of Education:[/h3] ...what's an edd-yu-cashun? Okay, Wes isn't stupid, but getting an education is expensive and Wes doesn't have the dosh to throw around for something as worthless as that. Street smarts count, don't they? Other than that, Wes at least knows his figures. Don't wanna simply trust whatever coins a person hands you to be your pay. A bit of knowledge in prints as well, enough to get by if someone were to dump a paper in front of him and ask him to sign it. His handwriting is atrocious, so don't ask for much. [h3]Social Status:[/h3] Its probably clear that Wes is part of the lower class. Unless Wes has access to a hidden cache of Spaniard gold, Wes doesn't have much to his disposal. Any money Wes does manage to save up is promptly spent on either booze or whores. [i]Who even needs food?[/i] [h3]Occupation:[/h3] Former member of the trading ship [i]Vieja Perra[/i]. Former, as in, he got tossed out. [h3]Appearance:[/h3] [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/134/3/8/hammer_by_ashmantle-d4zqjeo.jpg]Wes'[/url] most prominent feature is his freakishly tall figure of 6'2". That, and the fact that he sticks out like a sore thumb compared to any Spaniard or Portuguese person. While no one is really sure, its likely that his father was of Nordic descent, someone from Scandinavia or Germany. His mother was another whore who threw him out when he turned twelve. [h3]Personality:[/h3] He's bastard born and it shows easily. Large and mean to those he doesn't like, a bit of an asshole when it comes to those he does. Can handle his booze, but get enough in him and he's a rowdy fellow who isn't afraid to bust a few skulls. Unless he cares a fair bit for something, expect him to not give many shits. Imminent death? Neat. About to be hanged by the Crown? He'll get around to escaping sometime. [h3]Skill set:[/h3] Generally, Wes' skill set is fairly common. Knowledge of rigging and keeping a ship up and running is his main way of getting by. He's got a fine pair of sea legs when it comes to things like fishing and navigation. Another big thing is knowing how to fight. From bar brawls to pirates, Wes has plenty of experience when it comes to cracking skulls and stabbing things. See his last name for his procedure with a knife. Or anything relatively sharp. [i]He'll fucking stab you.[/i] [h3]Languages:[/h3] Mostly a mixture of English and Spanish, seeing as the ship he used to ride travels between the two areas. German and French thrown into the mix as well. [h3]Bio:[/h3] Being the bastard son of a whore has its drawbacks. From early on, Wes learned to think of dear old Momma as less of a parent and more of a milkbag/food source. After all, she didn't want a little shit to drag her down and leech off of her. Most of his early life was spent on the streets with the other beggar children, with no supervision other than the older kids to watch over them. It wasn't easy, and Momma certainly didn't help all that much. Some whores are kinder than others, at least, so he didn't starve in infancy or anything. He survived through a combination of stealing from the people, stealing from his mother, and stealing from everyone else. Kids are damn good at stealing from people. His mother eventually basically excommunicated him, and thus he ran off to find glory and grandeur. He got as far as a simple trading vessel which he stowed aboard, was found, and was almost thrown out. The captain of that vessel decided to pity the boy of twelve, and let him work. He got his wish to see the world at least, as he moved from ship to ship as he grew, hopping along as an extra pair of hands for the most part. Hired muscle whenever they came across pirates. As for his latest ship, the [i]Vieja Perra[/i], well, let's just say he had a little accident with the crew. Some people might've gotten extremely angry, and only through sheer luck did they not decide to toss him on an island and be done with it. The port of Sintra was his last stop, and Wes had planned to find another ship until a scaley beast decided to attack and burn the place down. [h3]Notes:[/h3] Nothing of note to note on my end. Except maybe that I hope to give him a cannon. [/hider] There it is, I hope you enjoy Wes' sheet. [/quote] Very nice. Aside from maybe some more description in the apperance, I don't really have any crtiques. And that's just so that people can get a good idea without having to look at the picture.