This will be my list of characters I use so far throughout the RP's I have been in/made, and they will be available to choose from for arena fights. I will modify each of them slightly to include spare gear, should they have it. THis list will be updated as I make more characters. [hider=Matt Thyne]Name: Matt Thyne Vampire: No When you were turned: N/A Gender: Male Age: 21 Clothes: Armor plated leather gloves, blue jeans, A black T-Shirt that says Kill-U on the front, A leather jacket, and leather boots. Weapons: Main: 2 titanium alloy serrated boomerangs attached to holsters attached to a brace that extends up the forearm on each arm. Support: Silenced Dual Magnums with hollow point rounds and 2 shrapnel grenades made out of silver. Hidden: A set of throwing knives attached to the inside of his jacket Hair color/length: Silver, straight, middle of back length. Eye color: Blue Personality: Tends to be much of a badass, rushing into battle and always ready for a fight. Rude and blunt, always ready to speak his mind. Spare Gear: A human sized Chakram, very unwieldy.[/hider] [hider=Magnus Shane] Name: Magnus Shane Age: 1252 When You Were Turned: 762 Clothes: A pair of makeshift pants secured with metallic strap across his chest linking to a chainmail armpiece made of titanium that descends down the entire arm and stopping directly above the wrist. Appearance: [img][/img] Weapons: Gloves with iron plated leather with serrated claws made out of a nearly indestructible titanium alloy beginning from the knuckles and extending a few inches from the ends of the fingers into very sharp tips. Powers: Given Magnus's age he has grown to be incredibly strong and fast, even morso fast than he is strong. While he is still strong enough to lift incredibly heavy objects, his speed far outshines his strength. Using his speed and the weightlessness of his claws he can reach a target and kill them barely giving them enough time to react, given of course they aren't too awfully far away from him. Once a member of the clan Dresden is now in control of, he too had his heart artificially removed, giving him more of a edge in combat than most vampires. Magnus also has a telepathic ability he has honed over the years, allowing him to speak to someone by communicating directly to their mind, he mostly uses this to confuse his targets as he is only able to do this to one person at a time. And doing so greatly decreases his speed leaving him highly vulnerable. Perhaps part of his telepathic ability, perhaps part of drinking vampire blood of his fallen foes to gain further power, Magnus has one other ability. When pushed hard enough, quickly enough, he will go into a uncontrollable rage. Increasing his speed and strength. During this he has none to next to no control over his actions, reverting back to his primal instincts. Killing everything and anything in his path untill his urges are met or he manages to calm down. Personality: Magnus is truly a force to be reckoned with. Cross him and he won't think twice about cutting you in half. Not belonging to a clan himself, and only in a handful in his many years of exsistance, he prefers to hunt and live alone, unless of course there is something that interests him. Rather than using brute force to eliminate his targets like most vampires, he quickly plans his attacks to be as precise and deadly as possible. Spare Gear: Magnus has two different set of claws, one is normal bland claws the other pair are an extra inch or two in length and have tiny microscopic holes scattered about them that can deliver an inject of very potent neurotoxin that shuts down the nervous system. He has a bullet proof trench coat that has compartments for an extra amount of the toxin and three auto-injecting needles that contain the cure to his poison. Finally he has a electric dagger harness that attaches at the hip and arms, he can fire two electrically charged daggers at 30 MPH. The daggers take time to regain their electric charge, however, that doesn't mean he can't fire them normally.[/hider] [hider=Rhyss Blackblade]Name: Rhyss Blackblade Height: 6'4 When you were turned: 770 Hair: Jet black shoulder length. Clothes: Black sunglasses(a bullet proof special ops helmet in combat), Tac-ops outfit(black) with a altered SOLDIER insignia on the chest to signify the elite branch, and combat boots. Weapons: Main: Full-Auto 12 Gauge Sagia shotgun he tends to call Bunker Buster. Ammo consists of .22 cartidges, the bullets consisting of a glass vial surrounded by silver shrapnel, each bit engraved with a crucifix. In the compressed vial is holy water and Nitroglycerin. Each bullet also has the word 'Dolor' inscribed in stylish font. The ultimate vampire killing weapon. Support: Dual Desert Eagle Mk Handcannons named Grim and Reaper inscribed on both sides of the guns, loaded with .50 caliber explosive rounds, capable of blowing someones arm off. Though not nearly as powerful as his shotgun, these still pack a hell of a punch. Hidden: A staff with 3 retractable titanium alloy blades with crucifixes engraved on one end, when retracted this looks like no more than a ordinary staff, so it is easily concealed on his back beside his shotgun. You were expecting him to name a staff with stabby sticks on the end? Powers: Taking more time to train his senses and reflexes Rhyss has no insanely awesome powers. His main focal point is, he has no heart, literally. SOLDIER Elite divison had found a way to remove a vampire's heart while keeping them alive after a few run-in's with vampires who already had the proceedure done to them. Other than this, his main advantages in combat is he feels no pain, ever, at all. He can also think and re-act much better than the average human and vampire, now, he can't start dodging bullets all Matrix style, but he has been known to dodge a shot or two. Possibly a side-affect of him losing his sense of pain, he is completely invincible to any psychic abilities, whatsoever. Personality/Brief Description: Rhyss is a SOLDIER Elite, one of the few in this special division. He is a highly trained war machine. But, what SOLDIER doesn't know, is he has his own agenda. He could care less what race he killed as long as his own purposes and goals were fulfilled. Rhyss is the very definition of badass. He feels no pain, he fears nothing, he follows no one but himself, HE is the ultimate SOLDIER. He thinks himself above all, definitely a smartass, but then again, who would be crazy enough to question his reasoning? A big ass muscle-bound 6'4 vampire capable of ripping your lungs out without blinking, you'd be crazy to push him over the edge. Spare Gear: None[/hider] [hider=Arcadius 'Magi' Innocenti] Name: Arcadius 'Magi' Innocenti Photo: [IMG][/IMG] Age: 25 Gender: Male Abilities: Arcadius is a master at all elemental spells, proficient in others such as time and healing. He can cast most magic thanks to his families ancient Grimore, and enhance them further by channeling them through his staff. He can summon his Grimore at will, more often than not he is seen carrying the massive book studying it's arcane pages. He is much stronger than his frail figure makes him look, the book he is carrying weighing nigh 100 pounds. The book itself was enchanted with a spell to make it weigh more so as it would be MUCH harder for a thief to make off with it, should they live long enough to incapcitate any member of his family. How could you work in a team: Support, Heavy Infantry, You name it. Personality: Arcadius is one to keep to himself, a mysterious and silent fellow. He is not known to speak much outside of casting his magic, and if he did it's not more than a few sentences before he's back to studying his families Grimore and ignoring the hell out of you. It has been known in the rare occurances where he allows you to be his friend that he will actually talk to you like you exsist, and that he is a pretty funny guy. History: Arcadius grew up around magic, his entire family powerful magic users for hundreds of years. His families Grimore consisting of thousands of pages of magical knowledge over the years, his family name something of a legend amongst magic users. Ever since he could walk he was made to learn magic. His parents died when he was 16, at which point he enrolled in the Mana-Script academy to hone his magic skills as well as so he would have a decent place to live. Ever since his parents died no one could get more than a few words out if him, save for the rare occurances of him having a 'friend' who turned out to be nothing more than a thief after his families rather valuable Grimore. And now here he is, 25 and still at the academy. Spare Gear: None[/hider]