[color=fff200][b]~Ryley Grisdoe~[/b][/color] Ryley hadn’t been lying before. A bit of rest after today’s antics sounded real nice right about now. It seemed as though most of the group agreed, non-verbally, but it was fairly noticeable in their postures. Unfortunately, things were still settling down, not quite at peace yet. Alex lashed out at the group for their ‘squabbling’, as well as the general mocking of Abigail. To be fair, that was mostly Blake and Mr. Music. And Alex earlier, but he did apologize to Abigail, so that kinda made up for it. He also prompted her to apologize to Peggy as well. Like that was going to happen outright, but it was worth an effort. Abigail responded as Ryley thought, adding the point that Peggy didn’t need to apologize for the slap. She added something about ‘toughening up’, but Ryley thought she almost sounded weary. As if to back this up, Abigail suggested setting up camp, just as Ryley had moments ago. Maybe now they could settle down and rest. Those thoughts didn’t even get to last a minute. Melody captured a zubat, which must have been nice for her, but that wasn’t the problem. The freaking giant rock snake seemed to be more troubling. Ryley could swear he saw the setting sun flip him the bird. How that’s possible, he hadn’t a clue. Well screw you too nature. After a super effective attack from a water gun was brushed off easily by the beast, the general consensus amongst the group was simple enough. RUN. Retreating while holding off the Onix was a bit awkward, but nothing too hard. Melody’s newly caught Zubat was peppering the Onix with aerial attacks, Abigail’s Spinarak was shooting web, but had taken a hit. Avery was trying to play fetch with the rock type. Wait... ...Yep. Definitely fetch. Well, in any case, he could help out too with the help of Fern. If she knew razor leaf, that would be amazing. If only, unfortunately. Time for plan B. He sent out Fern, and quickly told her his plan. It was simple enough, so it didn’t take long to explain. With a nod from the Chikorita, he recalled her to the pokeball and set about his plan. He sent out Fern a distance away from him, closer to the Onix. As soon as she was released, she unleashed the most furious attack ever known. Growl. ...Hey, it was either that or tackle, and Ryley didn’t want to have Fern get squashed by the beast. Back to the plan, Ryley recalled Fern as soon as the Growl went through. He then sent out Fern again, this time on the Onix’s other side. Another Growl, and another recall. It might not be much, but it did seem to distract the Onix a bit, the surrounding Growls. All of this happened as the group was retreating. Ryley even shook it up by releasing Fern on nearby branches. Three dimensional Growl attack! ...Ryley swore to never name his strategies again.