[@AbigailTenshi][@Kitsune][@Phobos][@Kurisa][@Pie Flavor] [h2]Sotaro Takudo[/h2] As they came to their destination, he glanced around at the area to see what his surroundings would be like. He also paid attention to the captain allowing kido, which would mean he would have to be extra careful now. So upon being asked to hand over their zanpakuto while being handed a bokken which she got at an inhumane rate, he glanced at his with a smile despite the troublesome event earlier and handed him off. [color=0072bc]"Take care of him please."[/color] He asked her before turning his attention towards Koyo-shi who introduced herself while leaving her guard down. Was that meant to be a trick, to make him strike her un-guarded side? [color=0072bc]"..... I am Sotaro Takudo, now prepare yourself."[/color] He told her holding this bokken with both hands holding it straight in front of him. He would then shunpo a little bit to her side swinging his bokken not at any un-guarded areas but at her own bokken itself. He would also watch her facial expression to see if she would be shocked by a move or happy about it. He was also taught to watch their expression as it says it all. --- [h2] Aya Oda[/h2] Aya whistled a whistle that showed something impressed her when Shinzo cursed her out. [color=598527]"Wow, them some dirty words you be saying. Kind of makes me want to rip your tongue out."[/color] Aya said with a grin before the captain intervened, before they likely ended up killing one another. Although it was mostly to yell at Shinzo for calling her a bitch, which made her giggle as he instructed them to follow if they truly wanted to join. Aya looked at Shinzo and grinned a diabolical smile as she followed behind the captain while humming to herself. --- [h2]Nene Sanada[/h2] Nene watched Nishi lean just a tad too close, yet when Yuuki went to her rescue they both ended up crashing into the pond. This made her smirk as she watched from the sideline as they resurfaced. [color=92278f]"Nishi you hold true to being clumsy, its practically adorable. At least Yuuki attempted to get you, I would have, but if I fell in then I would need the saving. I can't use kido to see under water just yet. So seeing nothing would probably throw me into shock or something. But good job for trying."[/color] Nene said with a little clap, while in truth she did find it amusing how they plummeted into the water.