Couple of photographs of my newest reptiles. A group of wild Eastern Garter Snakes, [i]Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis.[/i] [hider=Piggie (Left) and Gobbler (Right)] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Piggie][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Olaf One-Eye][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Beauty][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Sluggo (in front), Batman (middle), and Striker (in the back)][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Batman (Sluggo hiding in the background)][img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Sluggo][img][/img] [/hider] These animals were originally brought into work. A couple had called Animal Control to take 'em away when they found them on their property. Animal Control refused stating that garter snakes were not a threat and posed no risk to humans. Not wanting the snakes there, they gave them to us. I decided to bring them home with me and give them a good life in captivity. A lot them have different personality and some of their names represent that. Piggie for example was named due to it's unique head shape, something I have not seen in the species before. Some form of mutation or injury, but I'm not sure. His colouration also is very unique. Second smallest garter I have. Gobbler was named due to his appetite. He ate a very large worm and two Eastern red-backed salamanders and then later on ate a third. He is small and I thought his hunger was amusing for such a little snake. He is the smallest snake and his housed with the funny looking Piggie. Below them are the trio of Batman, Sluggo, and Striker. Batman was named after a co-worker of mine who's name is awfully similar to Batman (which happens to be his nickname). He was going to take this snake home with him, but decided against it. Sluggo is named for his very slow eating habits. He takes quite awhile to consume his meals. He is also different looking by his brown scale colouration. Striker is the smallest of the trio and the most nervous and flighty. He earned his name for his lightning fast feeding response. The final two are Beauty and Olaf One-Eye. Beauty was named after an older snake of mine who passed away a couple of years ago. She has a lovely green stripe going down her back. She is arguably my favourite garter snake currently. Olaf One-Eye, a nervous and quite flighty snake. Having the most beautiful colouration among the lot, he has mixes of brown, red, orange, yellow, and gold throughout his body. But makes him unique is that he is missing an eye, his right to be exact. Named him after a Skyrim character.