[b]Archer, Utakan City[/b] [@Constantine] Archer sighed as he prepare to share his senses with his Master, only to watch as she face planed straight onto the roof with her eyes closed. Hopefully this would not become a habit. At the very least, he was glad that she had not somehow managed to knock herself unconscious, which would have been very unfortunate. For her anyway. Less so for him, since he had Independent Action and wasn't as reliant upon his master for Prana, which meant more that could be used for other things. Not necessarily healing, but who knew what else she would use it for. "That would be you, not me," he commented with a light grin as she recovered, Louise speaking in a tone that belied her injury. He waited patiently until she had recovered, almost rolling his eyes at her enthusiasm, while she grinned at him in turn. He then turned his gaze back to the fight that he was witnessing, and let her see, now that she didn't have to worry about a major headache to ruin things for her. He kept his gaze fixed so she could continue to see the fight, since looking at her meant that she would be looking at herself. Which would be awkward, understandable. "You realize that three of the Classes, including mine, are based around the weapons they use right," he countered when she pointed out the danger of making assumptions based on the weapons they were seeing in the fight. At her command though he focused on the girl, picking out long black hair in a ponytail, tall, the usual. He was surprised to hear that Louise knew who the person she was looking at though. "That's interesting," Archer noted. "She looks like she's in a bit of trouble." They'd have to discuss what to do about this later though, if Akane survived.