CS: [hider=Appearance] [img]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/146/e/0/character_exchange__un_named_earthbender_by_pgxscribblesx27-d516an4.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Mao Lei Age: 16 (and a half, as she likes to remind people) Gender: Female Element: Earth Abilities: Mao has gotten most of her training in guerrilla warfare, and she is at her most effective in a situation where the opponent doesn't know what she can do, or an ambush. Her fighting style focuses on immobilizing targets limbs to keep them from bending, and occasionally blinding them with clouds of dirt or sand but she is also quite adept with typical earthbending techniques. She is not a master in any one particular style of Earthbending, but is instead effective with a wide number and combines them into a very effective, unpredictable style. Personality: Mao is surprisingly chipper for someone who lost her home and family to Iluq's conquest, but that's partially to disguise her trauma over the event. She is a fairly tough and stubborn individual, but she could be prone to a breakdown with the right prodding. Brief Bio: Mao lived a rather peaceful life with her parents and younger sister in Ba Sing Se. They were not particularly wealthy but lived a happy life together, with Mao getting her early earthbending teaching from her father. That was, until the Water Tribe conquest finally reached Ba Sing Se. When Water Tribe soldiers arrived at their small home, Mao's father attempted to protect them while Mao created a secret back passage for them to escape through. Her mother was lost during the escape and when she made it to the outer walls it was just her and her little sister, and she used her earthbending to try and tunnel through the wall. It worked, but she only managed to get her sister outside the wall before the soldiers caught up to them, dragging her back into the city and taking her eye in the process. Eventually she made her way into the network of underground tunnels used by the Earth Kingdom Resistance, and joined them in their raids for awhile before deciding that their tactics were proving ineffective, and she chose to seek out the Avatar. Extras: