[hider=Latinost] [b]Name:[/b] Latinost [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male,Heterosexual [b]Appearance:[/b] 1.70 meters of height , 120 kg of weight because of his hard skin , brown skin with black hair and a Tail of 1 meter. [b]Hybrid Animal:[/b]Komodo dragon 50% [hider=Komodo Dragon] [img]http://www.livescience.com/images/i/000/037/095/original/komodo-dragon.jpg?1361808626[/img] [/hider] [b]Abilities:[/b] [b]-Improved skin:[/b] he is harder because of the combination of reptile skin and delicated mutations , this can stop a assault rifle and a shot of 50.Caliber gun [b]-Teeth of Depredator:[/b]he have a teeth which can open very largue wounds and tear his enemy [b]-Venom of Komodo:[/b]He can put a venom into his victim wounds ,which in some time can paralize it [b]-Tail of Muscle:[/b]He have a tail which he can use to fight ,which is strong [b]History:[/b] Latinost was a baby born in Mexico brought to USA illegally, because of this he was easily brought to the laboratory without any problems and was easily modificated ,because he was a baby , when he leaved the laboratory he moved to a "Barrio" of latinos ,then he joined a orphanage there he acquired some education ,a year after he entered the orphanage he got a tail which was unexpected for him and very hard to hide ,then the goverment called again for the Hybrids ,with no choise and without resistence ,he agreed to go back to the laboratory willing to learn about himself. [/hider]