Alula was not sure what had happened, but she was currently on the ground. Only moments ago she had gotten out of her seat, with the intent of walking over to the paladin and thanking him for escorting her to the bar and then leaving. She had cooled down enough to feel like it was time for her to leave town, she had had enough of strangers and confusion for the day. And once it came nightfall she knew she needed to be away from others. But she never made it to the table where he was sitting Because now she was on the floor. Someone the two of them, with their uncertain steps, collided. It would have been easy to knock Alula off her feet, she already has enough trouble walking with her limp. As soon as the half-elf and Alula collided it was as if someone sent embers through her veins, it burned. Under normal circumstances someone would probably get up and apologize for being so careless. But Alula was not a normal circumstance. With a growl Alula leapt to her feet, all traces of sluggishness and cripples gone, and pointed her staff dangerously close to Vis. She hat remained on the floor, her white hair brightly glowing and matching her illuminated eyes. The dislocated and warped voice again spoke through Alula in a threatening and hostile tone. [i][b]"HOW DARE YOU HARM HER!"[/b][/i] She raised her staff above her head, as if ready to strike the half-elf with it, but she suddenly stopped when a voice spoke to her. [i]"The man means her no danger, it was an accident."[/i] As if a light switch had been hit, Alula stopped glowing. Her expression looked shocked and scared. She dropped her staff to the floor with a heavy clunk, and reached up to pull down the brim of her hat, only to realize it wasn't there. She instead covered her eyes with her hands, not sure how to react.