Vis did not know how to react, so he remained petrified on the floor, staring up in abject horror as the drunkness quickly vacated his body to leave abject soberness. He did not expect such a violent reaction from her, and her staff could have crushed him with ease, esspecially with her new found vigor. But when she started to slow down, his mind went from fear to sympathy, she too had something to hide and noe she didn't have her means to hide it. He looked around on the floor for it but the hat seemed to have vanished, so he slowly brought himself from the floor and with a hesitant, reluctant hand, untied the scarf from around his face, revealing the large gash down it's side that was hidden for so long, exposing all his teeth and even some jaw bone. Vis draped the scarf over her head in a way that it acted like a hood that she could draw over her eyes if she needed to.