Watching as the half-elf had stumbled into the female that reminded her of the night, the sudden escalation into what could only be said to be a possession occurred. Suki had no other words to describe the phenomenon. However, it seems that it disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared, and the woman was left standing there in embarrassment. Raising an eyebrow at the half-elf taking off the scarf, only to smile subconsciously at the kind act of making a makeshift hood for the other woman. Making her way over, she undid the clasps on her cloak, before slipping it off, revealing her body accented by her dress to the tavern. Taking the cloak, she slipped it over the half-elf, making sure the hood covered his face, just as it had for herself. "It seems your reasons are far more important than mine for the moment." Quietly whispering these words to the half-elf alone, she sighed, before muttering "I'll fix this." yo the others in the 'adventure group', before slowly walking towards the barkeeper, drawing just about every male gaze towards her. Reaching the keeper, she smiled, before leaning forward, hands held behind her back, subtlety pushing out her chest. "Is it alright for you to let this incident slip by~?" Whispering such words with a seductive tone, she winked.