The barkeep stared straight back at Carver and spat in his face, "Yeah, and now I've spit in the face of a dishonorable man, this is my tavern, and I prefer it to be a relaxing place for my customers so they won't be disturbed and if you can't tell by their faces, his is pretty disturbing." The barkeep gestured to all of his customers, "They don't want to see THAT, and if you think you can disrespect and insult me in my place of business, then you thought wrong, you, your disfigured friend, the little one that you brought in, and the starry chick, can get thefuck out of my establishment!" -Edit since I got ninja'd : "And you," He shouted at the necromancer, "If you think that flashing your breasts are going to keep your friends in my bar, then you can get out too!"