[h1]Latinost[/h1] Well he though that he was going to come in a car no a truck ,after all he come peacefully , now the military telled him something about others like him , that was strange because he didnt remember nothing about "others" like him , well now he was getting bored because of that he started to play with his tail a bit strange for him after all he is a reptile hybrid not a dog , after playing a while he arrived the..............Manor? well he expected a high security underground base like the movies but this , well atleast he could be outside doing wharever he needed to do and as he is of cold blood he needed to be in the sun for an hour everyday.Then a military spoked [i]-Latinost , order of arrive 2 , Hybrid category , reptile , age 15 , Male and with a Tail of 1 meter,leave the truck[/i] they asked him to leave the truck as he did very fast because none wants to be in a ugly truck if you have a manor in front of you .Then he see someone which looked 2 years older than him , then the military spoked again . [i]-This is Jerric he will be your guide.[/i] Aproaching to him Latinost decided to say him hello [i]-Ok,Hi Jerric i guess you are my guide so i am going to follow you,my name is Latinost a pleasure[/i][@Puffhead]