Name: Thresh Age: 20 Gender: Male [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] Hybrid Animal: Nile Crocodile 75% Abilities: -Strength, Thresh is able to bend iron with great effort. -Tough Hide, his skin can block most weapons fire but his chest and stomach aren't as durable. -Lack of Pain, due to his rough skin and general reptilian body, Thresh cannot feel pain. -Breath Deep, can hold his breath for two hours. -Great swimmer, can swim at speeds up to 30 mph for hours -Smell, smells good History: Thresh never knew much, having been taken into the program when he was just five years old didn't let him grow all that much intellectually. In fact he has forgotten his old name and didn't even give himself one, the locals did. When the project was canceled he was taken to the deep swamps of New Orleans before he "escaped" his handlers shortly on arrival. He spent his days surviving in the swamps, fighting for territorial dominance in his little slice of land, all alligators were fought off and Thresh was on his own. When the reclamation began Thresh was highly resistant to their efforts. He had become to used to solitude and the very back of his mind still held onto the memories of pain, fear, and anger towards these strange men. It took time, effort, and many tranquilizers but eventually he was taken back and evaluated. His time alone had made him semi-feral, most of his early childhood was forgotten and his records before his changes were destroyed in the purge. Whoever Thresh was before would never be found out. Unfortunately for the staff, Thresh holds a great deal of suspicion towards the normal people, especially towards scientists. Thresh is illiterate.