[i]2:11PM, a normal day, at a normal general repair shop, in a normal section of the suburbs[/i] A bearded man knelt beside a pair of mountain bikes. Two people dressed in biking gear standing near by. The bearded man, in khaki pants and a T-shirt with the logo of a Canadian hockey team on is is busily cranking on a ratchet, tightening a brand spanking new bolt, replacing the old one that had sheered off just outside the store moments ago. They'd been lucky he had been open and available to help them. As he's working his son peeks in from the shop, "Hey Dad? There's someone here asking for you. Says he wants to set up an appointment." Austin Martin smiles at his son Everet, "Alright champ tell them to come back here. I'll be done shortly." Just as he finished repairing the bike. A man in a trench coat and wearing a beautiful Boss of the Plains hat steps in. The two bikers handed over some money for the on the spot repair and head out. While the man nods to Austin. Austin cleans his hands then nods to the man, "Can I help you bud?" the man in the hat smiles, "Sorry for coming unannouced. But I hear tell there is someone around here who knows about some under the table deals?" Austin snorted, "Well if it's a blowjob you want. There's a brothel about ten blocks down. I'm afraid all I have here is a repair shop pal. Sorry about that." Austin offered his hand to the man to shake, a small note hidden in his palm. Later the man would read it, learning to return to the shop later after closing time. To come alone, and with a van or pickup truck. [i]Later that night[/i] A nondescript van pulled up into the alley behind the shop. Austin waiting there in a sport coat. The man still wearing the Boss of the Plains hat getting out. And showing he's unarmed. Austin nods, then opens a warehouse just behind the shop. Pushing open the doors, and turning the lights on reveal a few rows of parts and things that need to be repaired. But beyond those masking shelves. Box upon box of various types of military equipment. Austin smiles, "So tell me bud. What do you need? Just got in a shipment of M21 marksmen rifles recently. If you're looking for something pin point accurate and quick to fire. What do you say? What's your poison?" [b][i]The Next day[/i][/b] Austin sat at the table, reading the newspaper. Listening to his family discuss their plans for the day. Everything is domestic bliss. The news of an explosion and the leveling of a building somewhere on the otherside of the city really didn't get his attention. There was other stuff on his mind. And it all felt so distant.