A Man was walking down the road coming up from a hill, He had a hat with a rainbow colored star on it, and a black trench coat, He was carrying a Large Banner with a Red background and a Star is multiple colors, the Banner was a fancy one, the Pole was Golden. a king would stop and stare at the banner. The Man was carrying the Banner up high, as if he was showing it off. but He was coming alone, but their was a Army hidden under a big hill not to far from the camp. in case negotiations didn't exactly go to plan The star..the dreaded Rainbow star. it was a star everyone feared, it was the Star of the Sephi Empire, the big. ever expanding hungry country, the very thought of it could make one cringe. he approached the camp, and looked around to find a nice patch of green land he planted the banner to the side of it, and token out a tiny camp, and started setting it up but with no avail, he turned around to see a young man in his 20's holding a tiny ragged banner, this person was from a Kingdom known as the Hikans. it was a Tiny Kingdom of two cities. one of the Cities was enslaved by the Sephi Empire and left the other city fearing the Sephi, the boy looked scared in a way, like he was looking at a Monster in a Suit. [color=FF0000][b]You.[/b][/color] he said to the 20 year old and pointed at him, [color=FF0000][b]Set up this camp[/b][/color] he commanded the kid, the kid silently nodded and almost immediately started setting it up. the Hikans were a pathetic Kingdom, literally anyone could boss them around, Even the Representatives who were supposed to be strong, could still be bossed around.