Dante watched the boy get tasered and felt so sorry for him. She should have done something, she should have done something to stop him, or to warn him, but she hadn't done anything. [i]There is a reason for that. Do you want to be tasered and possibly beaten?[/i] even though it made sense in her head, she couldn't make the feeling of guilt and helplessness go away. [i]Maybe you should talk to him later. show him the ropes of being in places like this.[/i] And with that it was decided. Fist chance she got, she was going to try and help this kid out. Even though part of her said it was a bad idea and that he'd only bring her down, another part couldn't just let him get himself into positions like this. Until then though, she would need to get to the gym. She wasn't even hungry anymore. She motioned to the that she was ready to leave, and he lead her away.