Testing interest on highflying fantasy RPG where players control fighters who seamlessly blend magics and fantasy tech with their martial prowess. Gaining honorary title of "Arcane knight" You would join an esteemed order of others who fight like you do and this order sends its members across the vast fantasy landscape of Sophitia, your missions ranging from charting unknown territories, reclaiming artifacts and felling giants all the way to protecting an royal wedding. [img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/034/4/7/clash_by_omuk-d74xobj.jpg[/img] "[i]Sir Hearth had heard of the great brute living on the hills but once again stories failed to depict actual sheer ferocity of his opponent. He had also heard of enchanted gauntlets that gave the brute strength of a roaring god. Sir Hearth was prepared however, tapping into magical essence of the sun itself, he prepared to cast his blinding spell.[/i]"