The girl had been alone in the truck, save for the diver ahead of her, a blanket wrapped around her body and the heat turned up to keep her warm for the time that they drove though she was growing tired regardless of how hard the man tried to keep her away. THe spoke to her, tried to engage her in conversation but every time she began to nod off to sleep while they drove. Until they stopped that is and with the cease of movement she had curled up on the large seat and closed her eyes at last to take a quick nap; her tail, shades of brown and black that made it easy to blend into her home territory was laid out on the blanket covered seat and the floor of the large truck. Her green hair spilled around her soft face, clothes of her native territory adorning her womanly figure while she slept; her skin a nice tan from exposure and heritage that contrasted greatly with the light white and pink covering they had given her. "Just a quick nap. . . " She muttered quietly, ignorant of the door opening near the end of her tail until someone reached into the vehicle and touched her. Her tail snapped out and grabbed onto the man, whose hand had gone to the weapon at his side as well, while her tail curled around his arm and crushed the bones painfully before she was even completely aware of what had happened. She bared her fangs at him for a moment, the cry of pain from the man snapping her out of her stupor and she let go again, quickly turning around to apologize to him though she had already frightened the other there. She was a cobra and they were dangerous, even after fifteen years of trying to learn she'd never really figured out how to stop her reflexes when she was half asleep. When another couple of guards escorted her out of the truck she lowered her head and spoke again, quietly though she knew someone would hear her anyway. "Just take em somewhere warm. . . " --- The woman had spent the majority of the trip sitting cross legged on the seat of the car, next to a girl she didn't know though she could smell prey on it clearly. Eyes closed and wind playing with hair the colour of pure silver she noticed the moment that the car stopped and lifted herself up through the sunroof before anyone had told her she could exit the vehicle. Of course she hadn't intended to listen to them anyway. She crouched on top of the car, dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top that showed a great deal of her skin; leaopard spots were faint on her fur-less skin though her ears and the fur on her legs was covered in the soft grey and black fur. Her left ear twitched while her gaze followed straight toward the others who had already exited their vehicles. Her eyes were the colour of snow, with pupils as black as coal, slit down the center that watched intently, memorizing every little detail she could find. Silver looked almost like a human, save for the ears and below her knees; under her knees her legs were covered in fur, soft and warm, spreading down to leopards feet that clawed at the black paint of the roof beneath her. She could smell plenty of other animals, mostly predators and watched as a reptilian girl was escorted out of the truck she'd been travelling in and kept somewhat away from the rest of the group. Planting her hands on the roof she flipped off of the car , through the air and landing in front of the one who had greeted them at the door. She regarded him with feline intelligence and predatory curiosity without a single word. [@Puffhead]