Kara narrowed her eyes at Jerric’s words. So he was in league with the men that captured them, or at least agreed with them enough to try and help. The tail squad next to her seemed to be happy enough to be there as well, which meant she was the only one who didn’t want to be caged like an animal. Well, her and the big… lizard… thing scowling at the world in general. She didn’t particularly feel like trying to buddy him up, which left her with at least making an effort to fit in. As much as she didn’t like the situation, Jerric was right on one account: she couldn’t change her situation, and she was planning to make the best of it. Acting out would only draw attention to her. She might have a bit of a temper at times, but she knew how to be patient when she had to. With a small sigh, she pulled back her hood and made an attempt at an apologetic smile. She felt naked with her ears on display like that, but it wasn’t like she stuck out here. “You’re right… I’m just a bit shaken from all this I guess. My name is Kara, nice to meet you guys.” A couple of years she would have balked at a display like this, but she had learned that being underestimated was her secret superpower. Disregarding her fuzzy ears, she had soft features and big eyes that always made her look younger than she was and she’d learned to use that to her advantage. She'd heard another car arrive, and from the corner of her eye she could see a blur of movement. Her eyesight might not be all that great, but she'd always been able to catch even the slightest bit of movement. Still, she made a show of startling when a woman landed beside her, even going so far as to take a small step away from her. "Oh, hi to you too I guess," she said, even as the woman straight-up ignored her to look at Jerric. She could figure out later if any of them would be up for an alliance of sorts, but for now she wasn't going to show what she was capable off.