"See? There we go." He answered simply to the girl with a large smile. "We can all be civil here." Jerric most likely would have commented to the feline girl in front of him had it not been for the other new arrival: the reptile. He had no clue what had happened, but now the guards escorting her all had drawn their weapons in a hostile stance, keeping them trained on the poor girl as if her animal instincts would take over her at any second and cause her to lash out in toxic fury. Of anything he had seen, this had bothered Jerric the most of all, and he knew he had to stop this display of unnecessary hostile tension. He immediately held up his lumbering arms as he walked over to the group surrounding the girl, placing himself between her and the weapons which were trained upon her. "Hey, hey, hey! There's no need for the weapons alright? She's doing fine, she's not gonna hurt anyone..." He promised slowly, the guards all looking between themselves nervously. "She attacked one of the guards." One answered simply before Jerric sighed. "Well I'm sure she's sorry, either way just let me handle her. I'll be fine." The guards seemed released at this and all set down their weapons, not because they thought that the threat was neutralized but that if the threat did turn out to be dangerous it would be a hybrid in the line of fire, not a human. "See? We can all be friends here." Jerric promised before turning back to the reptilian girl behind him. "Why don't you come join us yeah? We're about to take a nice tour."